As of right now, all of my work is done on either 35mm film or digital camera. Since I started out with Minolta, and Sony kept the Minolta lens mount when it purchased Minolta in 2006, I made the decision to stick with that system for now. I've owned a couple other cameras from the main manufacturers, and I've found that I am really happy with the Sony/Minolta system at this point. I plan to continue to use the 35mm format primarily, but at some point I also would like to make the jump to a medium format system.
As far as specifics, I mainly use a Minolta α-7 SLR as my film body, and a Sony α100 as my digital body. All of my lenses are Minolta, and I usually keep the 50mm f/1.7, 24-50mm f/4, and the 70-210mm f/4 in my bag at all times. My next purchase will be a nice wide angle, as that's the area where my gear is lacking the most. I had been using the Sony 18-200mm superzoom, but it's image quality wasn't that great, so for now the 24-50mm will have to suffice.
As you can see in the photo, I do have a few older Minolta cameras, including an XD11 and XG1, along with a nice little collection of Rokkor glass. Though I'd really like to get more use out of these, they are really more a part of my camera "collection" and not my go-to gear when I go out shooting. Along with the older Minoltas SLRs, my "collection" consists of, amongst other things, a Minolta 16 subminiature, two Olympus Trip 35's, a Graflex 22 TLR, a couple box cameras, a couple Kodak folding cameras, and a few various rangefinders.
All images on this website are copyright of Dustin Michelson.